Archive for the ‘Webcomic’ Category

Post-Id Notes, Ep. #3

March 7, 2008

Sorry about missing last week dear reader.  I know you’re really mad at me.  But, let me just say, I’m really mad at you…for not existing.



Post-Id Notes, Ep. #2

February 22, 2008

And, back by absolutely no demand whatsoever, here is the second episode in the “Post-Id Notes” saga.  You just wait people.  In a couple of years they’ll be talking about this in hushed and reverential tones.  You’ll see. 

 Once again, the Steve Austin Book Club would like to sincerely apologize to any and all actual cartoonists and webcomic authors who might be passing by (including the one member of the book club who actually is a cartoonist). 

 Here ya go…


(Click me and I expand…your mind.)


Post-Id Notes, Ep. #1

February 15, 2008

And, since no one asked for it, here is the debut of our brand new life-altering webcomic – “Post-Id Notes.”  We regret to inform you that this cosmic tale (with albeit humble beginnings) will appear in this space every Friday.  The Steve Austin Book Club would like to sincerely apologize to any and all actual cartoonists and webcomic authors who might be passing by (including the one member of the book club who actually is a cartoonist). 

So, without further a-doo-doo, here it is… 

Post-Id #1

(If you click it, it will grow.)